Inaugural Broadcast of On the Case with Detective Dan!

Tune in to 88.3 WCBN FM Ann Arbor at 3 AM tomorrow morning, that’s May 17th, for the very first On the Case with Detective Dan. Fear not all you diurnal gumshoes, I’ll be posting the show to this website.

Diurnal is the opposite of nocturnal. Badgers are nocturnal. Here are some foraging badgers.


I found this picture on Wikipedia. I’d like to imagine that these two initially set out for the basement of the Student Activities Building to check out WCBN’s studio but that they stopped to comb through this patch of grass for whatever reason. My experience with the process informs me that this photograph was taken during the earliest stages of their investigation.

1 comment
  1. Gen said:

    yo detective dumbass your playlists don’t work. plz fix so that i don’t have to stay up past four to listen too this

    nyeh, see?

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